Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why is the Whole World Blogging - Top 5 Reasons!

Starting a blog is no more a big deal today. There are umpteen reasons for writing a blog, including personal, social, commercial and artistic concerns. In the world of blogs, you can find all types of entries that can be as colorful and variant as imagination. Blogging can turn out to be a great way to have fun without counting any extra charges. There are no hard and fast rules about what you choose to write in a blog. But some blogs are topic specific and you must restrict yourself to facts related to the title.

The basic difference between an ordinary website and a blog is the quality and style of the blog's layout and content. A blog creates opportunities for people world over to share their thoughts, opinions and ideas. But it depends mainly on the blogger about what the content will be; comments and debates are generated accordingly. Blogs turn out to be very interesting due to the heterogeneous nature and quality of the comments. They can range from being the funniest to the most serious ones. It's also a good way to keep you updated about what is going round the globe.

People create blogs for a host of reasons. Some are thrilled by the very notion of parading their know-how. But for most of the bloggers, it's an easy and relaxing way to share mind-space with like-minded (or otherwise) people. Blog writing is also a hobby for some - a great time pass. Some love to open up by sharing their diary-entries. And you must be wondering what they mean by letting out their personal details! Well, there are often the following psychological causes behind such tendencies:

01. To feed the ego: You must have come across souls who cannot resist seeking attention. These sorts of people have a king-size ego and feel great proclaiming what interests them. More often than not, this forms the primary reason behind blogging.

02. Bugged by anonymity: It's very common to lose your identity in this hyper-busy world. People suffering from the same find the blogs an effective way to reassert distinction. Their blogs scream 'I'm different, man'!

03. To vent frustration: At times, 'Life in a Metro' can turn pretty frustrating. Blogs offer the space to complain without bothering anyone in particular.

04. The need to share: Man is a social animal and needs to reach out to his fellow beings once in a while. With the shrinking of real life friend-circles, some are likely to take the aid of blogs.

05. Writing aspirations: Blogs are a great way to exercise your writing skills. And there are some who look out to starting a writing career without buttering big names. There are hardly any standard restrictions and bloggers feel free to express their minds.

A. Karmakar is a successful writer and runs a Content Development Company with a worldwide clientele. You can visit Content Writers Organization to know more.

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