Monday, July 25, 2011

Sports nutrition is now a worldwide need

Sports nutrition is now a worldwide need.Physical fitness is a universal phenomenon. People from all walks of life around the world are now more aware about the need to engage in any physical activity to maintain their health. They are also more aware now that exercise, as a discipline, needs a particular dietary program to go with it.

Collaboration among sports scientists from America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia resulted in the development of world wide sports nutrition. There is a growing efforts of collaboration among different sports nutrition, to share among themselves, the latest findings in the world wide sports nutrition efforts. 

One of the most interesting findings from this research, if not latest, is the attitude of the peoples from every region or country engaged in physical fitness. They seem to follow a pattern of "universality" with their attitude towards sports and fitness.

1. Number one in the list is the preoccupation with "winning" aspect of sports competition. This mindset had made athletes, coaches, and sports managers, victims of sports and sports nutrients misinformation.

Many are convinced that their regular sports nutrition is not enough succumbed to several drastic measures. Some have restricted their fluid intake, frequented saunas, while others used laxatives. Some even reportedly went too far as fasting. If you would ask me how in the world your body would develop muscles while fasting-I have no idea. Base on this, a world wide sports nutrition is in tall order.

2. Second from the list of findings is the overwhelming belief in excessive training. While it is true that gradually raising your training or exercise into a higher level each time as needed, overworking your body will do you no good.

You need to allow your body to heal or repair itself. There is a wide consensus among sports experts that a full day is what your body needs to recover its lost energy level after a strenuous exercise.

3. A more stringent exercise can make up for poor nutrition program. Here's another argument why world wide sports nutrition is so important.

The findings talks about testimonials from several respondents, admitting to regular visit with their favorite fast-food chain, while enrolled in a sports program. The logic behind this attitude seems to be the belief of these respondents that their "poor diet" will be burned out once they enter the gym.

This is a clear indication that there is still a need for a sports nutrition awareness program wider in scoop. This prompted one respondent to comment that perhaps, a website containing lots of information on world wide sports nutrition would help.

Related to this problem is the amount and quality of food intake that is so essential in every fitness or sports program. Many people still consider sports nutrition as non-essential part of their fitness program. They seem to think that food intake has little relation with their health program.

4. Another common widely held belief in relation to world wide sports nutrition concept is the idea behind muscle growth. A lot of people believe that it is during workout or exercise that muscles develop.

This directly runs counter the fact that during exercise, our muscles are literally being destroyed and needed enough rest after exercise. But this "destruction" should  not be avoided because our immune systems depends much on this destruction to recalibrate its defense mechanisms by stimulating its arsenal of antibodies.

During the "healing process", i.e., rest period, the human body is flooded with natural chemicals to help the muscles heal it's own system. This body chemicals, was found out, to stimulate the slowdown switch of cell ageing.

In simple terms, the more people work out, the more their cells age slowly. But again nutrition is central to this, because human body depends on the food intake as basic energy. World wide nutrition then, becomes an important concept for the understanding of this phenomenon worldwide.

And this amazing process does not happen during the exercise regimen. This healing process happens during the night, while a body is at rest. It seems that evolution had really decreed that it needs mammals, particularly humans, to be at rest, while it do wonders.

This is the reason why we will never outgrow the need for sleep. The human body, an incredible machine as it is, needs rest, and sustenance, as evidenced by worldwide sports nutrition.

Sports Nutrition All Over The World

Sports Nutrition All Over The World.It can be clearly noticed in the market that sports nutrition products come from different parts of the world.  The interest in such has indeed become worldwide.  Initially, people had the impression that it is only for those coming from first world countries. 

However, recently, people have come to realize that being concerned about sports nutrition reveals one’s attitude towards health in general.  They seem to have also realized that everyone is entitled to great health.  Thus, a lot of people appear to have started working hard for it.

Sports nutrition has indeed become worldwide.  People from all walks of life have become more and more concerned about it.  Before, they were not that conscious about the food that they eat, the nutrients that they get from it.  Now, however, the nutrition labels in almost all types of commodities prove that people’s curiosity for nutrition should indeed be addressed. 

The incorporation of nutrition programs in several fitness centers and sports facilities also support the worldwide concern for sports nutrition. 

Before, fitness in terms of sports and exercise in general is seen as an independent aspect and has nothing to do with diet and nutrition. 

Now, however, people seem to recognize the fact that both are interrelated and that each one would not yield positive results if taken individually.  It appears now that people are open to the idea that without a healthy diet, performance may not be expected to be excellent.

Several campaigns and sales efforts in support of sports nutrition have likewise been circulating worldwide. 

In almost any country, one would hear of the availability of supplements, sports nutrition programs, training on nutrition and health, nutrition verification for athletes, and many others.  Indeed, sports nutrition is not anymore considered as for the First World countries only, but for worldwide benefit as well.

Aligning targets in terms of sports to targets in terms of nutrition is indeed very sound.  In the first place, the body controls all activities. 

A poor control system would definitely not bring in positive results.  Sports can be very stressful if not properly supported by the right nutrition. 

The worldwide prevalence of sports nutrition also creates more vigilance in terms of sustaining efforts which have started already.  It somehow creates a sense of pressure that yields favourable responses.  Some people are indeed becoming good role models in terms of sports nutrition.

The release of several books and other learning materials regarding sports nutrition has further caused worldwide awareness.  Not only are people given concrete examples of successes of the past, they are also made aware that doing so is not so difficult. 

It only requires commitment and good motivation on the part of the person interested.  If before, a good balance between fitness and nutrition was very complex to achieve, now, because of the practical tips coming from previous experiences, it feels a lot easier to do.

Indeed, the coming years show more promise of worldwide sports nutrition because of heightened awareness and interest in it.  This is a very advantageous thing for all as it somehow guarantees a healthier generation in the future.  Sports is not just about competition or making one’s body look good aesthetically, it also tackles the entire aspect of health. 

As sports nutrition becomes worldwide, sustenance of previous efforts and motivation should remain a concern.  Sometimes, although societal pressure can be a good point of motivation, some efforts simply falter after a while. 

Both the dissemination of the idea as well as maintenance of established ones should be taken good care of as health is a very essential aspect of life. 

The World of Sports Nutrition

The World of Sports Nutrition.Advancements in medicine and an increase in capitalism in the world as well as other factors all contributed to the development of the field of sports nutrition.

As scientists learned more and more about our bodies and the optimum level of strength and physical fitness they can harbor, businessmen jumped the gun and manufactured products and services that actually help athletes meet these optimum levels. The media joined in the ruckus and published materials leading to the promotion of both the scientific and the commercial side of the field.

Sports nutrition has been changing through the years around the world. It’s not just that the topics are different – the emphasis and approach have also changed.

Peak Performance, a sports magazine carried an article on dehydration in runners on October 1990, its maiden issue. This article compared the benefits of plain water with those of dilute glucose solutions, which are more isotonic and therefore absorbed more rapidly.

Today, go into almost any supermarket, convenience stores and even school cafeterias and you’ll find a ready supply of sports drinks aimed at maintaining hydration just like glucose solutions. 

The difference is that by using soluble long-chain glucose polymers instead of simple glucose, it’s now possible to create an isotonic hydrating drink which also supplies significant amounts of carbohydrate to working muscles. And, the good thing is, sports drinks also taste better.

More than 10 years ago, it was made public that muscle damage brought about by free-radicals may be reduced by having supplements of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Years after, antioxidant supplementation became a norm in the world of sports nutrition.

Now, researchers are also beginning to understand that muscle damage is a more complex subject.  It is difficult to assess free radical damage in athletes and it has been found out that large amounts of antioxidant nutrients may actually cause cellular damage and impair performance.

The “Carbo loading” technique has been widely used over the years by athletes all over the world. A carbohydrate-rich diet is important in maintaining muscle glycogen stores thus ensuring high endurance levels.

However, in the 1990’s it became clear that the ‘glycaemic index’ and release rate of different carbohydrates had important influence on when they should best be consumed in relation to physical activity.

The relationship of carbohydrates and proteins were also discovered namely that carbohydrates promote protein-sparing in the body. It was also discovered recently that consuming carbohydrates before and during prolonged bouts of strenuous exercise can help protect the immune system.

One of the most exciting recent developments in sports nutrition has been the rise of creatine supplementation. The use of creatine is now very common. Creatine renews the muscles essential energy source, ATP or adenosine triphosphate. Increased levels in muscles optimizes energy turnover meaning you’ll more energy for high power exercise and faster recovery during and after workouts. Creatine also increases the athlete’s maximum effort, delays fatigue and therefore prolongs endurance.

New wisdom and therefore new products have definitely enabled athletes to fuel themselves better, work harder, train longer and recover more rapidly. However, as in any kind of innovation there will always be downsides.

Nutritional supplements available to most athletes in the 80’s were very straightforward. Some athletes took drugs but the boundaries between nutritional supplements and drugs clear. Today, the race to find new formulas to boost performance has resulted to the availability of sports nutrition supplements which do not really occur naturally. The result is that the distinction between a nutrient and a performance-enhancing substance has become increasingly blurred.

Some of these supplements contain ingredients that can cause athletes to violate the rules and regulations governing their sport because of unintentional contamination by other, ‘exotic’, substances present in the supplement manufacturing environment.

More developments will be created in the world of sports nutrition and these will definitely spawn ethical questions. “Nutrigenomics”—the relationship between genetics and nutrition—will be more researched upon.

As scientists become more skilled at discovering the processes of our genes, it will be possible that rather than adopting a general approach for sports nutrition, athletes around the world will be genetically tested to help them determine precise individual requirements for optimum health.

The next years will predictably be more exciting for the world of sports nutrition.

Sports Nutrition: Energy Levels and High-vitamin Diets.

Sports Nutrition: Energy Levels and High-vitamin Diets.  Good nutrition is very important regardless of which sport you do. A variety of nutrients are needed in your daily diet to keep fit and healthy.

A balanced diet should provide the right proportions of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals, water and dietary fiber. 

Energy is the most important nutritional factor for any form of physical activity. Carbohydrate and fat are the main fuels used by exercising muscles. Vitamins and minerals are also crucial in energy metabolism. A diet deficient in vitamin and minerals can compromise sporting performance.

The importance of a high-vitamin diet

In order to obtain vitamins and minerals, athletes need to eat a wide assortment of nutrient-dense foods in amounts that will maintain energy balance. This means that a person must consume 1,200 to1,500 kilo-calories a day.

Meeting vitamin and mineral requirements when energy intake is 3,000 kcal/day or higher (as is among male and female ice hockey and cross country skiers) is actually easy. Even athletes whose energy intakes may be about 2,000 kcal/day can meet their vitamin and mineral needs from food alone.

As long as a wide variety of foods are eaten, vitamin and mineral intake is adequate. Supplementation therefore is not necessary.

High in vitamins are fruits and vegetables. Many of these are good antioxidants sources as well. High-color food choices mean high vitamin content thus high energy storage. Look for yellow-orange, red, deep green, and blue in your food. For athletes, five to nine fruit and vegetable servings are recommended each day. Grains also contain both vitamins and minerals.

Is more better?

Athletes usually meet two-thirds or more of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for vitamins and minerals. Athletes who have high calorie intakes of about 5,000 to 6,000 kcal/day may achieve 200% or more of the RDA for some vitamins and minerals just from foods they eat.

Despite this fact, most of the athletes who are concerned with sports nutrition take supplements to boost performance. While vitamin and mineral deficiencies impair physical performance, research indicates that supplementation of a nutritionally adequate sports diet does not improve physical work capacity, endurance, oxygen consumption, cardiovascular function, muscle strength, or resistance to fatigue.

For example, because B-vitamins release energy from nutrients, athletes with high energy expenditures have increased requirements for B-vitamins. However, eating more food provides the needed extra B-vitamins. 

When are vitamin supplements needed?

Vitamin supplements are commonly used if an athlete’s diet is not enough for his energy requirements.  Vitamin supplements provide "health insurance," as sort of back-up to ensure optimal sports nutrition.

Multivitamin supplements with no more than 100% of the Daily Value (DV.) provide a safe and adequate balance of vitamins. However, it should not be forgotten that the goal is still to eat a wide variety of foods. Food contains fiber and a multitude of phytochemicals that provide many health benefits.

Supplements should never be replacements for food. While many sports supplements contain the antioxidant beta carotene, at least 450 carotenoids are only found in food. Antioxidant value exists in other carotenoids as well.

Minerals for injury prevention

Minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc are especially important for athletes.

Recommendations of calcium intake are based on levels than can promote calcium retention, maximize bone mineral density, and inhibit bone loss. Lower calcium intake subjects the athlete to increased risk of stress fracture. Food that provide good calcium stores are the following: dairy products, fish with bones, broccoli, and fortified cereals and juices.

Iron makes up hemoglobin, myoglobin and oxidative enzymes and affects oxygen transport and aerobic metabolism. To achieve optimal aereobic endurance, consuming adequate amounts is a must. Iron depletion, the first stage of iron deficiency is the most common type of iron deficiency among athletes. Lean red meats, dark poultry, fortified cereals, whole grains, and legumes are good iron sources.

Zinc, which is found in meat, poultry, seafood, and whole grains, is essential for protein synthesis, healing, and immune function. Zinc is also found in antioxidant enzymes and enzymes involved in energy metabolism.

Although minerals are needed to work hand-in-hand with vitamins to ensure good sports nutrition, we must remember that consuming any mineral excessively can interfere with digestion and the absorption of other minerals. This may lead to mineral imbalances. Also, all minerals can be toxic in large doses.

The Best Sports Nutrition A Day Or Hours Before An Endurance Sports Competition

The Best Sports Nutrition A Day Or Hours Before An Endurance Sports Competition.What is the best sports nutrition for an athlete? There is no definitive answer to this. No athlete has the same need. It all depends on the physique of an athlete and the kind of sports that he or she is into.

So, if you are contemplating on joining an endurance sports competition, the best sports nutrition for you is the nutritional table fit for an athlete that expects long hours of vigorous physical activity and mental alertness even when tired.

Endurance sports test the physical and mental fortitude of an athlete; if you are not well fed for this kind of competition, it would be better for you if you would back off from the competition.

Best Sports Nutrition for Endurance Sports Athletes

- Best sports nutrition a day before the event

Do not overwork yourself on the day before the event. It would be wise if you would only do stretching and a few kilometers of jogging, eat protein rich food, hydrate yourself (a lot!) and rest for the rest of the evening because you need to get up early, as early as four hours before the game. 

The best sports nutrition in endurance sports is hydration. You should be hydrating yourself even a week before the game. This is to keep your body cleansed, fueled and watered for the coming event.

If you only hydrate yourself on the day of the event, you won't hold too much water. Most of the liquid that you intake will only seep out through sweat. So, if you want to go to the game in full tank, drink lots of water beforehand.

Another best sports nutrition tip that you must learn by heart is to eat food rich in protein, to keep your muscles in shape, and carbohydrates so that your glycogen stores would be at their best. You can hydrate yourself well with sports drink that contains minerals to balance your electrolytes level.

- Best sports nutrition hours before the event

Eat a meal before you run. This is the best sports nutrition advice that you should keep in mind. You need glucose to keep your blood sugar in normal levels. Glucose fuels the brain and the muscles during an activity.

If you lack glucose in your body, you cannot think properly because your brain does not have enough fuel that it needs. Worse, you might faint even before the race begins of hypoglycemia.

Having enough stores of glucose in your body will keep you alert and going even for long hours of physical activity. So, don't forget to eat a light to moderate meal before you race.

Long hours of running, swimming and bicycling will definitely deplete your glycogen stores in your liver. So, a carbohydrate rich meal will be your best choice of pre-race meal. It can quickly restore your reserves of glycogen in your liver and put the fulcrum back to normal. You can bring with you carbohydrates bar which you can munch while running, and drain it down with water or sports drink.

According to health experts, best sports nutrition tip to get the carbohydrate you need is to eat food that you know won't make your stomach upset. Stress can induce diarrhea. Add up food that your digestive system hates and you will see yourself sitting on the throne while your competitors have started running after hearing the gun fire.

When to eat your pre-race meal? The sports nutrition experts recommend one to four hours before the assembly time and then nibble 50 grams of carbohydrate every hour before the game starts.

Instant oatmeal, bananas, low fat milk and energy bars are good sources of carbohydrates. Always follow a meal with water or sports drink. Never drink soda or caffeinated beverages because they will work of you as diuretics. According to the best sports nutrition magazines in the country, caffeine drains the body of fluid.

Add up salty foods to your meal. Salt will help you retain more water in your body.