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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query sports. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, July 23, 2011

All in one sports nutrition for the working athlete

All in one sports nutrition for the working athlete

Why are we drawn to sports? It is because we appreciate and take pleasure in witnessing the human spirit in motion. Athletes competing and achieving despite difficulties inspires us all. It is a reality TV show in its best. Sometimes, we can't help asking what sort of  "all in one sports nutrition" they are taking.

It's heartwarming to us those ordinary mortals, after years of training and hard work had triumphed against all odds. We know that these athletes had worked hard to develop their physical skills. We can't help but be one in their triumphs and empathize in their defeats.

But surely this privilege is only for the professional athletes who have all the time in the world to engage in sports and sustain this with appropriate nutrition? Not necessarily true.

For people juggling a delicate balance between their busy life and their need for physical health, all in one sports nutrition maybe a heaven sent.

The secret of all in one sports nutrition lies in its ideal balance nutrients, compacted in one package. This will save you so much time in just preparing and consuming different sports nutrition when you're in hurry. This will also save you money since you wouldn't be buying several packs of the sports nutrients with overlapping nutrients contents.

All in one sports nutrition is also scientifically designed to include all the necessary nutrients needed by any athlete, and specially includes you. After long hours of workouts, all in one sports nutrition will work its wonder by giving you sustained energy source. And since this is a complete sports nutrition, there's no reason to worry about missing one important nutrient during your last meal.

Some sports nutrition claims that having all nutrients in one package is not advisable because there is the tendency that the manufacturer will limit other vital nutrient. This maybe true for others but not with all in one sports nutrition. All in one sports nutrition was formulated exactly to contain the right balance, in the right amount, nutrients needed by athletes and sports enthusiasts, including you.

All in one sports nutrition contains ingredients designed to improve athletic performance. It is also designed to hasten the recovery of muscle fatigue every after exercise. All in one sports nutrition contains the perfect combination of complex and carbohydrates. This combination is at the heart of every successful sports nutrients product for carbohydrates provide sustained energy needed in a sustained exercise.

Balanced carbohydrates content of all in one sports nutrition

Most commercial sports nutrients product derives all of their calorie source from simple carbohydrates. This almost always results in blood sugar swings, making it hard for athletes in general to balance and steadied their movement during training or competition. Slow and steady delivery of calorie during regimen help the muscles not to deplete its supply of blood sugar. This is very critical during your exercise because this depletion can cause too much fatigue. This prevents also gluconeogenesis, a form of muscle cannibalism resorted to by our to produce energy during  "emergency" or regimen.

Protein content of all in one sports nutrition

Aside from carbohydrates, nutritional supplement high in quality protein, will you're your muscle's re-growth and repair. Protein is a hard workers nutrient that goes a long way in maintaining your health during intense exercise. Protein produces the enzymes needed to help carbohydrates maintain energy levels during regimen.

Benefits aside, protein intake is one the most debated issue in the fitness and sports nutrition world. Too much intake of protein, claimed by many, harms the body. Consensus however, among fitness professionals and sports nutritionist suggest a different direction. Protein intakes above the RDA appears to stimulate the loss of body fat while increasing muscle tissue.

But all in one sports nutrition follows the RDA not because it supports the claims of anti-protein intake. All in one sports nutrition is perfect balance of necessary nutrients, carbohydrates and protein included. Aside from these two most important elements in any sports nutrition program, all in one sports nutrition also contains other minerals needed by your body to sustain itself during heavy exercise and other physical activities.

So you see, there's no reason to loose hope joining the privileged groups of athletes. Your all in one sports nutrition will sustain you during your regimen, and it will help your muscles recover fast enough for your work office work tomorrow!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition

Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition.Feeling used up and impossibly exhausted even before the end of your physical activity? If you are taking nutritional supplements and still feel the exhaustion, chances are you’re not taking enough of the elements your body needs to function properly. Or, worse, you’re not taking nutrition supplements in the right amount.

And why do you need to take dietary supplements? Because your regular food sources do not provide the right amount of nutrition elements needed by our body. This need is obvious from the countless scientific studies and from our practical experiences.

This is the reason why a nutrition supplement is a regular feature of the American diet. And this is where Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition conveniently sets in.

The people behind Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition are also mindful of the special need of individuals who are into sports. In sports, nutrition supplements become even more important.

Sports mimic the activities we humans used to have from the dawn of our existence. From the simple gathering of edible fruits and roots from the forest, to the more physically challenging activity of hunting, our ancestors have faithfully relived the way the human body was created: to engage in physical activity.

Deciding on what sports nutrition to take

Taking nutrition supplements, particularly sports nutrition is getting more and more complicated. Dizzying names and brands are crowding onto grocery shelves side by side with traditional ones like vitamin C, calcium, B-complex and iron. They may take the form of capsules, pills, powders or liquids. How do we sort through it all?

But before finally buying your Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition product, consider the following bits of information usually used by many people before taking a nutritional supplement.

1. Settle for a single effective nutritional brand. If you are into sports, decide what brand of sports nutrition you think is effective.

Some supplements that we have taken before, even a whole nutrition program we have subscribed into, may have helped us. This may lead us into thinking that taking more would be better. This will cost us a lot, without providing the expected benefit. This can also be risky since some vitamins or minerals work to cancel each other’s effectiveness.

The manufacturer of Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition made sure that a perfect balance of these minerals is present in every capsule, or bottle of Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition that you buy.

In terms of dosage or concentration, Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition is designed to complement what authorities generally agree are tolerable upper intake levels or the maximum amount one has to take in a day.  Amounts higher than what is considered a standard level can be toxic,and Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition was manufactured exactly for this concern. 

2. Harmonize your regular whole-food diet with the particular sports nutrition brand you are taking. What you are taking for breakfast, cereals for instance, may be fortified with vitamins and minerals. Choose between these numerous fortified products that would go along with Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition.

3. Consistency. Once you’ve decided with what nutritional supplement brand to take, be consistent on taking it regularly. Be patient, and have faith with what you’re doing. Some results may be observable immediately, while some may take a little while. The secret is on the regularity of taking your chosen sports nutrition brand. So, needless to say, don’t leave your Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition supplement just lying in your fridge’s vitamin shelf.

Your sport nutrition and your performance

In sports, even in any other activity, nothing is more important than nutrition. If you want to develop your body, deciding on what particular sports nutrition to take is very important. If your sports nutrition lacks with what it should have, all of your training will be wasted.

Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition was specifically designed for all sports activities, whether you’re into running, swimming, boxing, gymnastics, or mountain climbing. Your Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition will be the foundation of your regimen.

Your overall performance in sports is largely a byproduct of your nutrition habits. If you failed in choosing the right sport nutrition, your talent notwithstanding, your performance will suffer.

It is true that a well balanced traditional nutrition is enough to support your body’s need on a daily basis. And Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition was not created to challenge this age old adage. But life is more than breathing, blinking, and sleeping. There is a life that fulfills the evolutionary design of your body. Your Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition however, can take your body into a higher level.

Whenever you are involved in physical activity, it is only natural to loose some of your nutrients in your body. It is in this case that a good nutrition supplement steps in.

Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition, when taken with a well chosen regular diet, will give you the right amount of nutritional requirements needed by your body. In many cases, nutrition supplements also serve as a buffer against nutrient depletion during heavy activities or exercise.

Sports Nutrition Education

Sports Nutrition Education.As people realize that there is a dearth of information in the world to study, the study of the world becomes more specialized in order for information to be manageably processed for particular purposes. The study of medicine, for example, brought forth a specialization in sports medicine. The study of sports and also of nutrition was further compartmentalized into sports nutrition.

Sports nutrition as a higher education course has been attracting interest among younger generations. As the world population turns to sports for physical health as well as entertainment, sports nutrition attracts a lot of attention and revenues and people specializing in increasing sports performance are very much in demand.

Sports Nutrition education focuses on understanding how the body functions during exercise and sport. Maximizing athletic potential and minimizing health risks associated with sporting activity are two of the main topics of study in Sports Nutrition Education.

Students of this course will consider the role of exercise in healthy lifestyles, and in the treatment of various diseases, with emphasis on interaction between nutrition (diet) and physical performance.

Sports Nutrition education also provides the scientific background, specific knowledge and skills to address concepts and controversies relating to sports nutrition, sports physiology and to explore the links between nutrition, physiology, performance and health outcomes through the life cycle.

Sports nutrition education integrates principles of nutrition and exercise physiology and application to exercising individuals. Common topics for discussion include energy expenditure, fuel substrate metabolism, specific nutrient needs, ergogenic aids, hydration, and weight issues for exercising individuals and athletes.

In personal sports and fitness training, for example, the optimum way to get the most out of their workouts and feel their best is by designing an energizing, performance-enhancing nutrition plan, tailored specific needs of their bodies.

Sport Nutrition education includes learning how to enhance clients’ workouts and maximize their results with proper nutrition, safe and effective sports supplements, and beneficial vitamins and minerals.

This is a sample module from a university that offers Sports Nutrition in the collegiate level:

Level 1

Studies include an introduction to learning and assessment in higher education and the wider context of your subject.
•    Basic Sports Science
•    Science for Sport
•    Human Physiology
•    Data Analysis
•    Introduction to Nutrition
•    Professional Studies
•    Functional Anatomy

Level 2

This level addresses issues related to hire-ability and professional practice.

•    Exercise Physiology I
•    Nutritional Physiology and Biochemistry I
•    Human Nutrition
•    Research Methods
•    Nutritional Physiology and Biochemistry II
•    Biomechanics, Sport Psychology, Physical  Performance Assessment

Level 3

Level 3 further develops your skills in independent problem identification and analysis.

•    Exercise Physiology II
•    Applied and Environmental Physiology
•    Energy Metabolism
•    Muscle Structure and Function
•    Sensory and Motor Physiology
•    Sports Nutrition

In practical terms, students of sports nutrition education learn:

•    How nutrients are taken in and how foods are digested and metabolized to provide necessary energy to fuel muscular activity.
•    Dietary patterns that maximize performance and prevent disease.
•    Research advancements in ergogenic aids.
•    Supplementation and the pros and cons of popular diet techniques.
•    Sample eating plans showing how to fuel for specific workouts.
•    How to distinguish among food, diet, and supplement options and understand which are best and why.
•    How to overcome food and weight obsessions.
•    How to lose undesired body fat while maintaining energy for exercise.
•    Strategies to boost energy, reduce stress, control weight, improve health & enhance workouts.

Employment opportunities

While enrolled in a Sports Nutrition Education program, it is still possible to have relevant employment. Work placement can also be advantageous as it also provides you with the benefits of industry experience.

The degree is excellent preparation for anyone planning a career in the sports and fitness industries such as corporate health and fitness. The program is also good for those particularly considering a specialization in the nutritional aspects of performance enhancement. 

The graduate of this course can penetrate family and community services, local or state government agencies, hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, institutes of sports, universities and colleges and also personal training. However, the graduate of Sport Nutrition is not qualified to be a dietitian.

Sports Nutrition education also provides a systematic, general, scientific training suitable for a wide assortment of careers. Many students also continue onto a PGCE or Masters course in a related area.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Endurance Sports Nutrition Keeping Yourself Hydrated And Fueled

Endurance Sports Nutrition: Keeping Yourself Hydrated And Fueled.What keeps a triathlon athlete going in spite of the heat and long hours of vigorous physical activity is a properly hydrated and fueled body. In endurance sports, nutrition is equivalent to keeping oneself hydrated at all times, especially during the game. If you don’t give yourself the proper nutrition it needs, your game performance will suffer.

Sports that require special attention to endurance nutrition (and thus help you level up your performance) are: running, swimming, triathlon, cycling, rowing, mountain biking, adventure racing, cross-country skiing, mountaineering and trekking.

Let us say that you have prepared yourself for an endurance sport. Your nutrition focuses on giving you enough fuel to last you a day of vigorous physical activity. You eat foods rich in protein to keep your muscles fit for the game and carbohydrates to give you enough energy and fuel your muscles to run fast, steady, and consistently. What else can you do to perform much better in endurance sports?

Here are some endurance sports nutrition suggested by athletes and trainers:

Endurance Sports Nutrition Tip – Hydrate Yourself

1. Start the day with a full tank of water.

Athletes don’t eat during a game. But they do drink water. Studies show, of which common people now know, that humans can last a month without eating but will die immediately without water for 3 days to one week. That is how important water is to our body.

Many people die of diarrhea because of dehydration. Hydration is an important nutrition component to humans, most especially to athletes involved in endurance sports. So the endurance sports nutrition tip from athletes and trainers: drink lots of water before the game.

Hydration is the key to winning endurance sports competition. And drinking water before the game starts puts you in a great headstart.

2. Hydrate yourself regularly during the game.

Drink often during the game. Most endurance sports nutrition guide books will tell you the same thing. Athletes in endurance sports sweat off two quarts of water per hour especially in hot and humid weather. So, you must drink at least four up to eight ounces of water every fifteen to twenty minutes. Sports drink may also replace water.

Here’s some tip that endurance sports nutrition guide books may not have told you: to know when it is time to gulp on your water or sports drink bottle, set your timer to alarm every 15 or 20 minutes within 24 hours.

Freeze your drinking bottles and then pack them up in insulated foams to keep it cool. Even if you don’t sweat still do gulp down the liquid in your drinking bottle. You may not know it and may not notice it but you may have sweat more than you think of.

3. Pack up extra bottles.

Carry more drinking bottles if you can. Don’t be afraid to look like a camel with extra hump at your back. You need all those liquids in your endurance sport. It will keep you going and in shape.

Besides, you will drain these drinking bottles one at a time every 15 or 20 minutes. At that rate, you may not even know that your endurance sports drinks have been drained down your esophageal pipes.

Endurance sport nutrition question: Water or sports drink?

In endurance sports nutrition, it has debated whether water or sports drink should be consumed by an athlete competing in endurance sports.

Researches have shown that endurance sports athletes (competing under the sweltering heat of the sun) who were provided with water as a means of hydrating themselves replace only one and half to two thirds of fluid loss, while those who were given with sports drink have shown hydration nearly to a hundred percent.

The reason for this is that sports drink contains electrolytes (sodium, potassium and magnesium) which help retain fluid in the body and balance the presence of these minerals that are vital in normal bodily function.

We lose electrolytes when we sweat. Dizziness, muscle cramps, extreme exhaustion, and irregular heartbeat are the symptoms of electrolytes loss in the body.

According to endurance nutrition experts, many athletes lose endurance due to low level of electrolytes. In fact, according to endurance sports nutrition magazines, some athletes even die due to electrolytes loss.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Best Sports Nutrition A Day Or Hours Before An Endurance Sports Competition

The Best Sports Nutrition A Day Or Hours Before An Endurance Sports Competition.What is the best sports nutrition for an athlete? There is no definitive answer to this. No athlete has the same need. It all depends on the physique of an athlete and the kind of sports that he or she is into.

So, if you are contemplating on joining an endurance sports competition, the best sports nutrition for you is the nutritional table fit for an athlete that expects long hours of vigorous physical activity and mental alertness even when tired.

Endurance sports test the physical and mental fortitude of an athlete; if you are not well fed for this kind of competition, it would be better for you if you would back off from the competition.

Best Sports Nutrition for Endurance Sports Athletes

- Best sports nutrition a day before the event

Do not overwork yourself on the day before the event. It would be wise if you would only do stretching and a few kilometers of jogging, eat protein rich food, hydrate yourself (a lot!) and rest for the rest of the evening because you need to get up early, as early as four hours before the game. 

The best sports nutrition in endurance sports is hydration. You should be hydrating yourself even a week before the game. This is to keep your body cleansed, fueled and watered for the coming event.

If you only hydrate yourself on the day of the event, you won't hold too much water. Most of the liquid that you intake will only seep out through sweat. So, if you want to go to the game in full tank, drink lots of water beforehand.

Another best sports nutrition tip that you must learn by heart is to eat food rich in protein, to keep your muscles in shape, and carbohydrates so that your glycogen stores would be at their best. You can hydrate yourself well with sports drink that contains minerals to balance your electrolytes level.

- Best sports nutrition hours before the event

Eat a meal before you run. This is the best sports nutrition advice that you should keep in mind. You need glucose to keep your blood sugar in normal levels. Glucose fuels the brain and the muscles during an activity.

If you lack glucose in your body, you cannot think properly because your brain does not have enough fuel that it needs. Worse, you might faint even before the race begins of hypoglycemia.

Having enough stores of glucose in your body will keep you alert and going even for long hours of physical activity. So, don't forget to eat a light to moderate meal before you race.

Long hours of running, swimming and bicycling will definitely deplete your glycogen stores in your liver. So, a carbohydrate rich meal will be your best choice of pre-race meal. It can quickly restore your reserves of glycogen in your liver and put the fulcrum back to normal. You can bring with you carbohydrates bar which you can munch while running, and drain it down with water or sports drink.

According to health experts, best sports nutrition tip to get the carbohydrate you need is to eat food that you know won't make your stomach upset. Stress can induce diarrhea. Add up food that your digestive system hates and you will see yourself sitting on the throne while your competitors have started running after hearing the gun fire.

When to eat your pre-race meal? The sports nutrition experts recommend one to four hours before the assembly time and then nibble 50 grams of carbohydrate every hour before the game starts.

Instant oatmeal, bananas, low fat milk and energy bars are good sources of carbohydrates. Always follow a meal with water or sports drink. Never drink soda or caffeinated beverages because they will work of you as diuretics. According to the best sports nutrition magazines in the country, caffeine drains the body of fluid.

Add up salty foods to your meal. Salt will help you retain more water in your body.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Endurance Sports Nutrition: Keeping Yourself Hydrated And Fueled

What keeps a triathlon athlete going in spite of the heat and long hours of vigorous physical activity is a properly hydrated and fueled body. In endurance sports, nutrition is equivalent to keeping oneself hydrated at all times, especially during the game. If you don’t give yourself the proper nutrition it needs, your game performance will suffer.

Sports that require special attention to endurance nutrition (and thus help you level up your performance) are: running, swimming, triathlon, cycling, rowing, mountain biking, adventure racing, cross-country skiing, mountaineering and trekking.

Let us say that you have prepared yourself for an endurance sport. Your nutrition focuses on giving you enough fuel to last you a day of vigorous physical activity. You eat foods rich in protein to keep your muscles fit for the game and carbohydrates to give you enough energy and fuel your muscles to run fast, steady, and consistently. What else can you do to perform much better in endurance sports?

Here are some endurance sports nutrition suggested by athletes and trainers:

Endurance Sports Nutrition Tip – Hydrate Yourself

1. Start the day with a full tank of water.

Athletes don’t eat during a game. But they do drink water. Studies show, of which common people now know, that humans can last a month without eating but will die immediately without water for 3 days to one week. That is how important water is to our body.

Many people die of diarrhea because of dehydration. Hydration is an important nutrition component to humans, most especially to athletes involved in endurance sports. So the endurance sports nutrition tip from athletes and trainers: drink lots of water before the game.

Hydration is the key to winning endurance sports competition. And drinking water before the game starts puts you in a great headstart.

2. Hydrate yourself regularly during the game.

Drink often during the game. Most endurance sports nutrition guide books will tell you the same thing. Athletes in endurance sports sweat off two quarts of water per hour especially in hot and humid weather. So, you must drink at least four up to eight ounces of water every fifteen to twenty minutes. Sports drink may also replace water.

Here’s some tip that endurance sports nutrition guide books may not have told you: to know when it is time to gulp on your water or sports drink bottle, set your timer to alarm every 15 or 20 minutes within 24 hours.

Freeze your drinking bottles and then pack them up in insulated foams to keep it cool. Even if you don’t sweat still do gulp down the liquid in your drinking bottle. You may not know it and may not notice it but you may have sweat more than you think of.

3. Pack up extra bottles.

Carry more drinking bottles if you can. Don’t be afraid to look like a camel with extra hump at your back. You need all those liquids in your endurance sport. It will keep you going and in shape.

Besides, you will drain these drinking bottles one at a time every 15 or 20 minutes. At that rate, you may not even know that your endurance sports drinks have been drained down your esophageal pipes.

Endurance sport nutrition question: Water or sports drink?

In endurance sports nutrition, it has debated whether water or sports drink should be consumed by an athlete competing in endurance sports.

Researches have shown that endurance sports athletes (competing under the sweltering heat of the sun) who were provided with water as a means of hydrating themselves replace only one and half to two thirds of fluid loss, while those who were given with sports drink have shown hydration nearly to a hundred percent.

The reason for this is that sports drink contains electrolytes (sodium, potassium and magnesium) which help retain fluid in the body and balance the presence of these minerals that are vital in normal bodily function.

We lose electrolytes when we sweat. Dizziness, muscle cramps, extreme exhaustion, and irregular heartbeat are the symptoms of electrolytes loss in the body.

According to endurance nutrition experts, many athletes lose endurance due to low level of electrolytes. In fact, according to endurance sports nutrition magazines, some athletes even die due to electrolytes loss.

Books On Sports Nutrition

Books On Sports Nutrition,Due to the increasing interest in sports nutrition and a growing number of athletes and health buffs becoming more conscious of the nutrition they take in to power their performance, a lot of books have already been released to disseminate more information and further heighten people’s awareness.  This is, in fact, very beneficial as awareness is most of the time the springboard of concrete actions. 

One of these books on sports nutrition is that of Nancy Clark entitled, Sports Nutrition Guidebook.  This book is a collection of solutions suggested by different sports nutritionists. 

Nancy Clark, a renowned sports nutritionist herself, shows how one can identify well what to eat to get more energy, cope well with stress, control weight, improve overall health, and improve the quality of workouts in the midst of a stressful lifestyle. 

She also gives suggestions on how to lose excess body fat in the body while maintaining the energy for further exercise.  She also provides several tips on maximizing the benefits of what one person eats.  This book is rich with practical tips on sports nutrition that are easy to follow and apply in day to day living. 

Moreover, Susan Kleiner’s book on sports nutrition entitled, High-Performance Nutrition: The Total Eating Plan to Maximum Your Workout, presents what one needs to eat in line with a workout plan to achieve optimum results. 

She advocates the importance of a good partnership between diet and exercise in performing excellently in sports.  She shows how one can bring out the best in any type of workout or exercise, be it aerobics, strength training, endurance training, cross training, and other recreational sports. 

Another sports nutrition book is Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes written by Monique Ryan.  The author’s two-decade experience in counselling athletes about their nutritional needs and intake brought about this book. 

She explains both the general principles which are applicable to endurance athletes of any sport and specific guidelines which are for those engaged in more specific sports like swimming, triathlons, cycling, mountain biking, distance running, and many others. 

She likewise covers the basics of nutrition as well as how to train and make that training persist.  Overall, this sports nutrition book is a detailed, updated, but practical guide to nutrition.

Still adding up to the list of sports nutrition books is the one entitled Eating for Endurance. 

The author is a registered dietician who specializes in sports nutrition as well as an elite endurance athlete.  Strategies on improving one’s diet, maintaining a healthy and ideal weight, successfully handling extreme environments, using sports nutrition supplements, and many other helpful information on sports nutrition are included in the book. 

This is indeed a very credible book as the author speaks from first-hand experience.

One must indeed take the initiative to equip himself with the necessary knowledge and information if he really wants to do well in this aspect.  Besides, putting an effort on sports nutrition will benefit no one else but himself. 

These books are there not to give false promises or misleading information.  Instead, their purpose is to show that achieving goals and targets had already happened in the past and is therefore totally feasible in the present if only one will commit to it.  

There are still many other sports nutrition books out in the market that aim to help in information dissemination and proper education of people.  Sports nutrition is indeed something that is not supposed to be taken for granted.

Mere exercise is not enough as it has to be coupled with the right and balanced diet as well as the right attitude towards one’s health in general. 

Get your year-round supply of discount sports nutrition

Why insist on buying costly sports nutrition if you can have discount sports nutrition?

Discount sports nutrition products and discount sports nutrition supplements are logical choices. Not cheap, mind you, but, actually clever. You will find products that are reasonably within your reach in discount sports nutrition stores.

Whether you’re into marathon, cycling, running, swimming, or weightlifting, discount sports nutrition stores give you a wide array of products to choose from. Discount sports nutrition offers all types of supplements, energy bar gels, sports energy drinks and other beverages, muscle development supplements, and other elements in the world of sports nutrition. Frankly, staying fit does not really mean breaking the bank.

For particular nutritional products, discount sports nutrition is a best source for the best available quality, like Amino acids, multi-nutrition content bars, muscle enhancing milk products, carb products, endurance enhancing producsts, whey supplements, and other specialized sports nutrient products.

Muscle-building package available at discount sports nutrition store

You can accelerate your training results by choosing the appropriate sports nutrition available on discount. It is for no reason that sports scientists have spent millions of dollars for research and development of supplements specifically targeted at people with special on muscle-building.

If you’re into weights or just athletically involved, you should be taking supplements right to supports your body’s particular need on building muscle fiber. While it is true than you can have results in your body even without the benefit of supplements, the extra works is by logic, needs extra nutrients, i.e., supplements. Particularly after workouts, the needs extra nutrients to repair its damaged muscle tissue, and it is here that the need for supplements is very obvious. Of course, dramatic results are also possible only when you’re using supplements.

Human growth hormone products

Also available at discount sports nutrition store are Human growth hormone products, better known as HGH. Bodybuilders, and other athletes that are into strength or resistance exercise can have immense benefit from HGH based products. There’s nothing to worry about taking HGH. Human growth hormone is a hormone that can be found naturally in our body. What HGH based products do is nothing but add a little bit more of this hormone.

This hormone also serves as a buffer whenever our muscles undergo extreme stress during exercise. Muscles also use this hormone to repair itself, during rest period. This hormone also produces lean muscles, which is one of the most coveted result in any other fitness program. Developing lean muscles will also result in decreasing body fat percentage. Endurance, energy production, and overall athletic performance will also improve by taking this hormone.

Protein and nitrogen products

Discount sports nutrition stores are also good sources of Glutamine products. Glutamine products are important to support any exercise regimen. This micronutrient enhances the ability of our muscles to recover after intense exercise. Glutamine also increases HGH production, thus, further improving the ability of the body recover after regimen. Glutamine also increases protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. This retention is important for the body to have a standby nutrient for emergency needs.

Other micronutrients in their elemental forms are also available in discount sports nutrition stores. Some of the micronutrients that make up the long list are vitamin C, vitamin E, bee honey and nutrients in concentrated form needed by athletes to build their strength and endurance.

Discount sports nutrition stores normally maintain a huge selection of bodybuilding supplements, sports nutritional supplements, general health and fitness nutrition goods, and other nutrients such as creatine, whey protein, weight loss supplements and weight gainers supplements. Other products with specific role are also available.

Countless studies had proven that taking these nutrients in combination improves absorption. Vitamins and other micronutrients are particularly known to exhibit these properties. Latest research also points to the positive synergy created by taking these micronutrients in combination. This synergy type of working has been observed also in other compound nutrients containing these micronutrients.

And because we’re talking about discount sports nutrition, we’re talking about discounted products. So, whether you want to lose some of the excess weight, or gain much needed muscle mass, you don't really need to stress over how much their little helpers will cost you -- discount sports nutrition is your ultimate answer.

Monday, July 25, 2011

9 Reasons Why You Should Use Optimum Sports Nutrition

9 Reasons Why You Should Use Optimum Sports Nutrition .Sports nutrition plays a central role in any exercise regimen. Even if you're born with natural physical prowess, this won't sustain you in your workouts. A diet with enough nutrition will not only help you during exercise but will stimulate the feeling well-being, inspiring you to continue with your regimen.

1. During workout, your body undergoes a tremendous activity unmatched by any man-made machine. It is during this exercise that your manifest the genius of its design. But it comes with a great price. Your body uses all of the strength it can use, depleting in the process the energy reserves in your body. This is the reason why you need optimum sports nutrition.

2. The harder you exercise, the faster the reserve energy depletion is. It follows that during this heavy physical activity, you will be exhausted tremendously. Worst, you wouldn't have enough reserve energy to sustain you during the exercise. If you are using optimum sports nutrition, your body will sustain itself, and will help to stabilize the sugar level in your body to help it recover faster after the exercise.

3. Hours after a workout, it is natural to feel a lingering fatigue, particularly if you are not taking optimum sports nutrition. This not only slows your muscles' recovery but also will affect you psychologically. When this happens, your entire body is affected, whose care is the very reason why you're into sports in the first place.

4. Optimum sports nutrition was designed and formulated specifically to suit your need before and during the workout. Optimum sports nutrition, aside from giving you sustenance during the workout, will also give you "extra" nutrients left for you to work with as the body heals itself.

But why engage in heavy workout and optimum sports nutrition in the first place? Because your body will "learn" from this activities, boosting your immune system in the process. Optimum sports nutrition also means optimal capacity for your body to heal itself faster, bringing your body into next level higher each time.

5. Optimum sports nutrition contains complex and simple carbohydrates blended into maximum amount to give an exhaustible nutrients source.  This perfect blend carbs will help your body utilize energy without depleting your reserve energy necessary for recovery. Many commercial sports nutrition uses calories for their formula using simple carbohydrates that easily results in unstable flow of blood sugar in your body.

If the sugar content in your blood is at the optimal level, oxygen consumption assured, helping your body to sustain during intense exercise. Oxygen consumption also helps in preserving the tissues, which need doubled amount of oxygen during your regimen

Optimum sports nutrition after exercise

6. Optimal recovery is just as important as optimum energy during exercise. Your fast and efficient recovery will help your body to heal faster and prepare itself fort he next schedule. This is where optimum sports nutrition comes in after your exercise.

7. After the heavy regimen, your body will automatically use all available energy it can utilize. A nutritional supplement high in quality protein is important to give your body the raw materials for muscle growth and repair.

8. Remember the early Greek athletes? They usually consume large quantities of meat after every contest in sports. They already knew by then, that something in the meat helps the body to recover after the unbelievably hard exercise. This importance of the protein is not lost to our modern day bodybuilders. It is not lost to them that protein goes a long way in maintaining health during and after intense exercise.

This is also the right time to do away with what some sports "experts" today proposes that high protein content in your sports nutrition will harm you. If protein did not harm the early Greeks, so are you.

9. Last is the quality. Optimum sports nutrition gives you the highest in quality standards, against commercially available nutrition sports. This is your last safeguard against consuming substandard sports nutrition products, which will put your training in jeopardy. This will also help you to realize that quality is more important than taste. Don't look for ice-cream tasting sports nutrients because taste is a matter of practice, just like your exercise regimen.

Sports nutrition is now a worldwide need

Sports nutrition is now a worldwide need.Physical fitness is a universal phenomenon. People from all walks of life around the world are now more aware about the need to engage in any physical activity to maintain their health. They are also more aware now that exercise, as a discipline, needs a particular dietary program to go with it.

Collaboration among sports scientists from America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia resulted in the development of world wide sports nutrition. There is a growing efforts of collaboration among different sports nutrition, to share among themselves, the latest findings in the world wide sports nutrition efforts. 

One of the most interesting findings from this research, if not latest, is the attitude of the peoples from every region or country engaged in physical fitness. They seem to follow a pattern of "universality" with their attitude towards sports and fitness.

1. Number one in the list is the preoccupation with "winning" aspect of sports competition. This mindset had made athletes, coaches, and sports managers, victims of sports and sports nutrients misinformation.

Many are convinced that their regular sports nutrition is not enough succumbed to several drastic measures. Some have restricted their fluid intake, frequented saunas, while others used laxatives. Some even reportedly went too far as fasting. If you would ask me how in the world your body would develop muscles while fasting-I have no idea. Base on this, a world wide sports nutrition is in tall order.

2. Second from the list of findings is the overwhelming belief in excessive training. While it is true that gradually raising your training or exercise into a higher level each time as needed, overworking your body will do you no good.

You need to allow your body to heal or repair itself. There is a wide consensus among sports experts that a full day is what your body needs to recover its lost energy level after a strenuous exercise.

3. A more stringent exercise can make up for poor nutrition program. Here's another argument why world wide sports nutrition is so important.

The findings talks about testimonials from several respondents, admitting to regular visit with their favorite fast-food chain, while enrolled in a sports program. The logic behind this attitude seems to be the belief of these respondents that their "poor diet" will be burned out once they enter the gym.

This is a clear indication that there is still a need for a sports nutrition awareness program wider in scoop. This prompted one respondent to comment that perhaps, a website containing lots of information on world wide sports nutrition would help.

Related to this problem is the amount and quality of food intake that is so essential in every fitness or sports program. Many people still consider sports nutrition as non-essential part of their fitness program. They seem to think that food intake has little relation with their health program.

4. Another common widely held belief in relation to world wide sports nutrition concept is the idea behind muscle growth. A lot of people believe that it is during workout or exercise that muscles develop.

This directly runs counter the fact that during exercise, our muscles are literally being destroyed and needed enough rest after exercise. But this "destruction" should  not be avoided because our immune systems depends much on this destruction to recalibrate its defense mechanisms by stimulating its arsenal of antibodies.

During the "healing process", i.e., rest period, the human body is flooded with natural chemicals to help the muscles heal it's own system. This body chemicals, was found out, to stimulate the slowdown switch of cell ageing.

In simple terms, the more people work out, the more their cells age slowly. But again nutrition is central to this, because human body depends on the food intake as basic energy. World wide nutrition then, becomes an important concept for the understanding of this phenomenon worldwide.

And this amazing process does not happen during the exercise regimen. This healing process happens during the night, while a body is at rest. It seems that evolution had really decreed that it needs mammals, particularly humans, to be at rest, while it do wonders.

This is the reason why we will never outgrow the need for sleep. The human body, an incredible machine as it is, needs rest, and sustenance, as evidenced by worldwide sports nutrition.

Sports nutrition supplements need high levels of protein

What Keeps The Athletes Going? If you are one of those ill-witted who perceive athletes as gods who don’t need to stop to take in air, or to relax when there is need for relaxation, then perhaps it would be much of a disappointment to you to find out that athletes are not so different from those who are not athletes for they also make use of supplements to get them going.

It is part of their diet to take in supplements to have an enhancement of their endurance, and also to increase or, if not increase, maintain the appropriate muscle mass to be able to improve size and strength.

Protein supplements are part of sports nutrition, without these said sports nutrition supplements; athletes would not be the way they are at present. However, contrary to what most people think, diets jampacked with protein do not necessarily build up muscle strength.

Building up muscle strength would be the job of regular physical activity. So if you want those big muscles you have to do exercises, not necessarily at gyms but could be also at your residences, daily. Doing so not by the day would not be producing the same result if you do so daily.

Sports nutrition supplements need high levels of protein, which you can get from protein-rich foods and enumerating all will be a total waste of space in this article.

But to enlighten you, here are a few of the foods that are rich in protein. There is fish, poultry and dairy products,and these are the foods you usually get your protein from because some sources of protein are high in fat and also in calories. So basically, you must take note which sources are high in fat and which are not.

Yeah, sports nutrition supplements sound so good but they can also put a strain on your liver and kidneys, which is the main reason why sports nutrition experts discourage taking them.

Some other sports nutrition supplements also have high amounts of nitrogen, which will only be excreted from your body as urea. But it is not as easy nor is it as safe as it sounds for this said exretion oftenly causes fluid imbalance, which will then lead to dehydration.

There is also a higher risk of heart disease due to the high fat intake associated with sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of protein from animal sources.

Another disadvantage of sports nutrition supplements is that there is a huge tendency that you will ingest amino acids that are capable of interfering with other amino acids, which will have a result of a metabolic imbalance.

Sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of amino aids can also cause gout; diarrhea and stomach cramping that can rank from mild to severe pain.

Even if sports nutrition supplements are being discouraged by sports nutrition experts, Bricker Labs, a sports nutrition supplement manufacturer, still do a lot of advertising and manufacturing as well.

Bricker Labs has over thirty years to blame for their success in their provision of sports nutrition supplements. They do not apply to sports nutrition only too, but also to weight loss, diet, health and other nutritional aspects.

So if you have plans to take any kind of sports nutrition supplements, then Bricker Labs is probably the sports nutrition supplement manufacturer to trust. Why? It is because they use ingredients that are safer than what other sports nutrition supplements contain. What kind of ingredients, you ask?

They make us of the L-Carnitine, which is mainly there for weight loss, energy and also for having a healthy heart function; Colostrum, which gives your body a healthy immune system function and also gives your body an improved stamina and also for an easier recovery in almost all cases; Vandayl Sulfate, which is capable of growing your muscles and also has the ability to define your muscles; Protein, everyone knows what protein is for and that is for sports nutrition, and also for health and muscle growth.

Another is the Creatine, which is also for sports nutrition and muscle growth but it also involves bodybuilding this time; HCA or Garcinia Cambogia, for losing weight and suppressing your appetite; and last but certainly not the least, Vitamin B-12, this one is for overall health and nutrition.

So what more could you ask for? Sports nutrition supplements give you what you need, what your body needs and boosts your ego all the same time.

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Have The Body And Endurance Of An Athlete

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Have The Body And Endurance Of An Athlete.We envy athletes for their trimmed physique and endurance to long hours of physical activities. They achieve the body and endurance that we envy because of regular exercise, body training, proper diet and sports nutrition supplements.

Sports nutrition supplements may be in a form of capsule, powdered shakes, liquid food and candy-like bars. What are sports nutrition supplements and what they can do to your body are the things that you should know first before you head to your local health stores for gallons of protein shakes, carbohydrates bar, and amino acid capsules.

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Vitamins and Minerals

Some people think that sports nutrition supplements such as vitamins or minerals help enhance their performance in the field. According to many experts, however, extra intakes of vitamins and minerals don't add up to improvement in performance, unless of course the athlete is suffering from vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

A well-balanced diet can meet most of the daily vitamin and mineral needs of an athlete.

You should remember to avoid sports nutrition supplements that promise 'megadoses' of vitamins and minerals to achieve a bodybuilding body, strength of a weightlifter and speed of a basketball player. Many athletes pop these sports nutrition supplements without question. Don't be like them. They are the type of athletes who are most likely to suffer from bursting veins and even arteries because of these super supplements.

Also, avoid sports nutrition supplements that claim to be 'herbal' in nature. Don't self-prescribe vitamin oil supplements or 'herbal' muscle grower without asking your physician first. Usually, these 'herbal' supplements go in the guise of herbal supplement, when in fact they are capsules of steroids.

If you want to help your immune system, you can take megadoses of vitamin C. Vitamin C is water soluble and excess of which is easily discharged through sweat and urine.

To avoid sports anemia, especially to females who lose blood every month due to menstruation, the mineral iron should be part of an athlete's list of sports nutrition supplements. Iron, in blood, is responsible for carrying clean oxygen to healthy body cells and removing carbon dioxide from them.

Athletes who have sports anemia have low hemoglobin level. You can easily spot an anemic athlete: he is always exhausted and seems to be in fatigue.

Taking iron supplements should be done with caution. There is such a thing as iron overdose. Consult your physician first before you take iron as part of your sports nutrition supplement.

Sports Nutrition Supplements: Proteins and Carbohydrates

Protein and carbohydrate are two of the most important sports nutrition supplements. Protein help the muscle grow and gain strength while carbohydrates fuel the body for long hours of exercise ahead.

Although an athlete can get protein and carbohydrates through his daily diet, he can get the large amount he needs by drinking protein shakes or eating a protein bar. There are also carbohydrates supplements in powder and bar form.

These sports nutrition supplements may be added to an athlete's daily meal. Powdered proteins and carbohydrates are delicious ingredients to a glassful of smoothies or fruit punch.

If you love to bake your own pastries, you can add a tablespoon of these delicious sports nutrition supplements to your flour mixture. A vanilla flavored powdered protein may work for you. It is considered as the best tasting flavor of a powdered protein.

These sports nutrition supplements are also good for people who are on the go. They are good meal replacements for those who want to lose weight or meal addition for those who want to gain weight.

Nonetheless, anyone who has decided to add these sports nutrition supplements in their daily diet, they should also make it a point to exercise regularly to synthesize and burn out those protein and carbohydrates in the body.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

All About Endurance Sports Nutrition

Endurance sports nutrition gives you a nutrition advice that is just jampacked with very useful details, together with sets of customized eating plans specifically regarding sports, to ensure that the food that you choose will keep you going on before, during and after various competitions.

A remarkable and very well-known author, Suzanne Girard Eberle, MS, RD, tells those who are concerned of her background as a registered dietician who has her specialty on sports nutrition. She also admits that she knows much and much about endurance sports nutrition because she, herself, is an elite endurance athlete. So she can tell you how endurance sports nutrtion works, or what is not supposed to be done regarding endurance sports nutrition, in actual training and situations that involve racing.

The  resource that is said to be the most comprehensive of its kind, is the prescriptive book that the said endurance athlete, slash dietician, wrote. It includes tried and true advice and suggestions from different endurance athletes who are at the top of their sports.

But if you would really like to know from the best persons to talk to when it comes to endurance sports nutrition, there are various websites that you could log on to to be able to contact, or if not contact, at least ask a few questions to world-class athletes.

You can avail Karen Smyers’s, a triathlete, assistance about endurance sports nutrition. She is a triathlete, so she knows things about endurance thrice more than what others do.

Another is the marathon runner Keith Brantly. Running is not as easy as it sounds, but running is, in fact, the easy part. It is the enduring the pain that grows in your legs that is not.

You can also try to have your questions answered by the world-known marathon swimmer Tobie Smith. Endurance sports nutrition in swimming is very very difficult because there are two kinds of pressures that you face, pressure under the water and atmospheric pressure.

And last, but certainly not the least, is the cyclist Kerry Ryan. It is almost the same as running, with the movement of the legs and the endurance of the pain that grow in your legs.

However, you have to be a master of balance to be able to pull cycling off. All of these world-class athletes will happily and obligingly share their knowledge, and with absolute right because of their many years of training and competing against the world’s best.

There are many kinds of sports where endurance sports nutrition can help you maximize your performance. Endurance sports nutrition can help you a great deal in running. As mentioned above, running is the easy part, it is enduring the pain that is constantly present in your lower extremeties that you need to endure.

In triathlons, you have to take note of enduring three stages of sports. So endurance sports nutrition is definetely handy if you want to be able to move on to the next stage and not faint in one of the first stages.

The endurance in swimming is not like any other. Why? It is because, like told before, there are two kinds of pressure that you need to think about. There is, first, the pressure that you experience under the water, plus the atmospheric water. So whether you put your face under water or you turn your head out of the water to breathe in some air, the cramps and the pain caused by the pressure should be endured.

In rowing, it is all about upper body strength. Yes, it also involves coordination with your teammates and most of all mind and arm coordination, but if you are weak with your upper body, then rowing is not the thing for you. Your hands will probably suffer bruises from your firm grips on the oars, but you arms are the ones that should have high endurance. Endurance sports nutrition can definitely help you survive the boat ride.

Cycling, like mentioned, is not that much different from running. Your legs also experience the most pain, and you have to endure the pain that is constant on your lower extremities. But this time, there is also the balance to think of. And for those who have a hard time balancing, enduring cycling is very hard. So this is where endurance sports nutrition comes in.

Endurance sports nutrition can definitely make you a better athlete, if you cannot endure whatever it is that you are doing, how can you perform well? So if you are thinking that sports is all about performance, you are wrong for without endurance, you can never perform a certain sport well.

All About Endurance Sports Nutrition

Endurance sports nutrition gives you a nutrition advice that is just jampacked with very useful details, together with sets of customized eating plans specifically regarding sports, to ensure that the food that you choose will keep you going on before, during and after various competitions.

A remarkable and very well-known author, Suzanne Girard Eberle, MS, RD, tells those who are concerned of her background as a registered dietician who has her specialty on sports nutrition. She also admits that she knows much and much about endurance sports nutrition because she, herself, is an elite endurance athlete. So she can tell you how endurance sports nutrtion works, or what is not supposed to be done regarding endurance sports nutrition, in actual training and situations that involve racing.

The  resource that is said to be the most comprehensive of its kind, is the prescriptive book that the said endurance athlete, slash dietician, wrote. It includes tried and true advice and suggestions from different endurance athletes who are at the top of their sports.

But if you would really like to know from the best persons to talk to when it comes to endurance sports nutrition, there are various websites that you could log on to to be able to contact, or if not contact, at least ask a few questions to world-class athletes.

You can avail Karen Smyers’s, a triathlete, assistance about endurance sports nutrition. She is a triathlete, so she knows things about endurance thrice more than what others do.

Another is the marathon runner Keith Brantly. Running is not as easy as it sounds, but running is, in fact, the easy part. It is the enduring the pain that grows in your legs that is not.

You can also try to have your questions answered by the world-known marathon swimmer Tobie Smith. Endurance sports nutrition in swimming is very very difficult because there are two kinds of pressures that you face, pressure under the water and atmospheric pressure.

And last, but certainly not the least, is the cyclist Kerry Ryan. It is almost the same as running, with the movement of the legs and the endurance of the pain that grow in your legs.

However, you have to be a master of balance to be able to pull cycling off. All of these world-class athletes will happily and obligingly share their knowledge, and with absolute right because of their many years of training and competing against the world’s best.

There are many kinds of sports where endurance sports nutrition can help you maximize your performance. Endurance sports nutrition can help you a great deal in running. As mentioned above, running is the easy part, it is enduring the pain that is constantly present in your lower extremeties that you need to endure.

In triathlons, you have to take note of enduring three stages of sports. So endurance sports nutrition is definetely handy if you want to be able to move on to the next stage and not faint in one of the first stages.

The endurance in swimming is not like any other. Why? It is because, like told before, there are two kinds of pressure that you need to think about. There is, first, the pressure that you experience under the water, plus the atmospheric water. So whether you put your face under water or you turn your head out of the water to breathe in some air, the cramps and the pain caused by the pressure should be endured.

In rowing, it is all about upper body strength. Yes, it also involves coordination with your teammates and most of all mind and arm coordination, but if you are weak with your upper body, then rowing is not the thing for you. Your hands will probably suffer bruises from your firm grips on the oars, but you arms are the ones that should have high endurance. Endurance sports nutrition can definitely help you survive the boat ride.

Cycling, like mentioned, is not that much different from running. Your legs also experience the most pain, and you have to endure the pain that is constant on your lower extremities. But this time, there is also the balance to think of. And for those who have a hard time balancing, enduring cycling is very hard. So this is where endurance sports nutrition comes in.

Endurance sports nutrition can definitely make you a better athlete, if you cannot endure whatever it is that you are doing, how can you perform well? So if you are thinking that sports is all about performance, you are wrong for without endurance, you can never perform a certain sport well.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sports Nutrition All Over The World

Sports Nutrition All Over The World.It can be clearly noticed in the market that sports nutrition products come from different parts of the world.  The interest in such has indeed become worldwide.  Initially, people had the impression that it is only for those coming from first world countries. 

However, recently, people have come to realize that being concerned about sports nutrition reveals one’s attitude towards health in general.  They seem to have also realized that everyone is entitled to great health.  Thus, a lot of people appear to have started working hard for it.

Sports nutrition has indeed become worldwide.  People from all walks of life have become more and more concerned about it.  Before, they were not that conscious about the food that they eat, the nutrients that they get from it.  Now, however, the nutrition labels in almost all types of commodities prove that people’s curiosity for nutrition should indeed be addressed. 

The incorporation of nutrition programs in several fitness centers and sports facilities also support the worldwide concern for sports nutrition. 

Before, fitness in terms of sports and exercise in general is seen as an independent aspect and has nothing to do with diet and nutrition. 

Now, however, people seem to recognize the fact that both are interrelated and that each one would not yield positive results if taken individually.  It appears now that people are open to the idea that without a healthy diet, performance may not be expected to be excellent.

Several campaigns and sales efforts in support of sports nutrition have likewise been circulating worldwide. 

In almost any country, one would hear of the availability of supplements, sports nutrition programs, training on nutrition and health, nutrition verification for athletes, and many others.  Indeed, sports nutrition is not anymore considered as for the First World countries only, but for worldwide benefit as well.

Aligning targets in terms of sports to targets in terms of nutrition is indeed very sound.  In the first place, the body controls all activities. 

A poor control system would definitely not bring in positive results.  Sports can be very stressful if not properly supported by the right nutrition. 

The worldwide prevalence of sports nutrition also creates more vigilance in terms of sustaining efforts which have started already.  It somehow creates a sense of pressure that yields favourable responses.  Some people are indeed becoming good role models in terms of sports nutrition.

The release of several books and other learning materials regarding sports nutrition has further caused worldwide awareness.  Not only are people given concrete examples of successes of the past, they are also made aware that doing so is not so difficult. 

It only requires commitment and good motivation on the part of the person interested.  If before, a good balance between fitness and nutrition was very complex to achieve, now, because of the practical tips coming from previous experiences, it feels a lot easier to do.

Indeed, the coming years show more promise of worldwide sports nutrition because of heightened awareness and interest in it.  This is a very advantageous thing for all as it somehow guarantees a healthier generation in the future.  Sports is not just about competition or making one’s body look good aesthetically, it also tackles the entire aspect of health. 

As sports nutrition becomes worldwide, sustenance of previous efforts and motivation should remain a concern.  Sometimes, although societal pressure can be a good point of motivation, some efforts simply falter after a while. 

Both the dissemination of the idea as well as maintenance of established ones should be taken good care of as health is a very essential aspect of life. 

Sports nutrition tips and tricks

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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Varied Sports Experiences: An Exploration into Well-being

Varied Sports Experiences: An Exploration into Well-being – Sports are an integral part of human culture, providing not only health benefits but also fostering collaboration and healthy lifestyles. Sports come in various forms, ranging from individual pursuits to team-based competitions. Let’s explore the diverse world of sports and their impact on individuals and communities.

The Importance of Sports

Sports offers numerous physical benefits. Engaging in regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good health. Whether it’s running, swimming, or playing a team sport like soccer, the cardiovascular and muscular benefits are undeniable. Moreover, physical activities contribute to weight management and overall well-being.

Apart from the physical advantages, sports also play a crucial role in psychological well-being. Regular exercise has been linked to reduced stress levels and improved mood, thanks to the release of endorphins during physical activity. Additionally, being part of a sports community provides a sense of belonging and social interaction.

Varied Sports Experiences: An Exploration into Well-being – Popular Sports Choices


Soccer is the world’s most popular sport, captivating millions with its dynamic gameplay and international appeal. From the FIFA World Cup to local league matches, football unites people across borders and cultures.


Basketball is a fast-paced and exhilarating sport that combines skill, teamwork, and strategy. The NBA, with its global fan base, showcases some of the best basketball talents worldwide.


In countries like India, England, and Australia, cricket is more than just a sport; it’s a cultural phenomenon. With its unique blend of strategy and skill, cricket has a massive following.

The Impact of Sports on Society

Sports play a pivotal role in building strong communities. Local sports events bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and pride. Youth involvement in sports not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also instills essential values such as discipline, teamwork, and perseverance.


Varied Sports Experiences: An Exploration into Well-being – In conclusion, sports are a cornerstone of a healthy and vibrant society. Whether you’re a player, spectator, or enthusiast, the world of athletics offers something for everyone. From the thrill of competition to the camaraderie among teammates, sports contribute to the holistic development of individuals and communities alike.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sports Nutrition Yahoo

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physically possible.

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team? Learn how to be today.

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Sports Nutrition Secrets
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Find more value for your money at sports nutrition depot

Find more value for your money at sports nutrition depot.Let's face it. Sports nutritional supplements nowadays are as many as the number of athletes themselves. And these do not include new products in their early stages of manufacture, or marketing. 

But is this bad? On the contrary, this can be a blessing. To appreciate this fact, all we have to do is remember that in a free market, products are competing against each other, forcing the manufacturers to lower the prices, i.e., to be more competitive. This market, in practical terms, is the place where you can find the sports nutrition of your choice. For the athletes, this market is the sports nutrition depot.

Ok, so you want to go shopping for your sports supplement. But of course you want to be prepared on what to expect with a certain depot. What should you be looking for in this depot?

Carbohydrate specific products

Enough servings of carbohydrates before or during exercise r competition, be it in solid or liquid form, will help you in during intense physical regimen. Carbohydrates can also maintain blood glucose levels and increase muscle glycogen, during intense exercise. Sports nutrition experts suggest that athletes should consume up to 350 ml of a sports drink containing carbohydrate every 20 minutes during exercise. 

With solid carbs, the National Association of Sports Nutrition (NASN) suggests that athletes engaged in regular physical activities should consume up to 10 gm of carbohydrate/kg in a day. Typical American diet supplies about 5 gm of carbohydrate/kg in a day, so this will give you an idea how much do you need for consumption. But during exercise, it is suggested that athletes consume from 30 to 60 gm of carbohydrate every hour to improve performance. Sports nutrition depot displays almost all known carbo products in the fitness world.

Protein for your exercise recovery

Speed recovery is important to your regular exercise regimen. Nutritional supplement with high quality protein is will aid muscle growth and repair. Protein works with carbohydrate by producing enzymes to help carbohydrates maintain energy levels. Sports nutrition depot abounds with protein enforced products. 

Vitamin C for immune improvement 

We all know that vitamin C assists us in fighting disease. Current research also points to the role f vitamin C in restoring t-cell damage resulting from physical activities, and even during extreme emotional stress. But the problem is that several thousands of milligrams of vitamin is are needed to restore t-cell function. This automatically rules out the dependence on the vitamin C available at ordinary medicine stores. 

Sports nutritionist also suggests that vitamin C should be consumed together with other micronutrients, such as vitamin E, and Glutathione. If taken together, the three micronutrients will help strengthen each other's properties.  Wide array of vitamin C and other micronutrients can be found in sports nutrition depot. 

Bee Honey for sustained exercise regimen

Ever wonder why the bees seem to be tireless? Studies after studies prove that taking honey before and during exercise or any competitive activity improves performance. Among weight disciplined athletes, only bee honey was proved capable of maintaining blood sugar in consistent levels, even two hours after a heavy exercise. Honey is also unique in sustaining restoration of muscle energy, after the exercise. So don't be surprised to find bee honey products inside the sports nutrition depot.

Glutamine for performance recovery

If somehow you've heard about glutamine before, the reason is inside your body. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your body. Your skeletal muscle and plasma contains the most concentrated supply of glutamine. Glutamine is important in the transfer of nitrogen between the internal organs. It also plays an important role in detoxifying ammonia.

The discovery of the role of Glutamine is a recent one. But for more than a decade before this discovery or confirmation form medical research, sports scientists have known that this amino acid increases muscle recovery. Glutamine products are also available in sports nutrition depot.

But before you troop to the nearest sports nutrition depot in your place and buy everything that you need, be aware that dosages differ in everyone. The rule of thumb is that dosage is different with everyone. The dosage that works for you should be validated with inputs from your trainer or sports nutrition adviser.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Sports Nutrition Industry: Keywords to Success.

The Sports Nutrition Industry: Keywords to Success. Every developed and developing country is teeming today with manufacturers and distributors of nutraceutical products that cater to professional sportsmen and women and sport-minded ones alike. Health products of every type, size and taste have abound. Today, the nurtraceutical industry is estimated to be worth $80 billion (U.S.) Just what are the factors of success in this highly competitive field of sports nutrition industry?

The biggest sports nutrition players have come up with keywords to success:

Keyword: Research

Company efforts to advance the field of supplement products for sports nutrition are the backbone of any industry. By supporting clinical research and trying to foster a relationship with science advisory boards, the field of sports nutrition is advanced. Eventually, consumers are able to receive innovative, scientifically-based, safe and effective products.

Advisory boards have funded research projects on nutrition and sports performance including research on creatine, HMB, CLA and glutamine among others. Research grants are also provided to young scientists early in their careers.

Large-scale sports nutrition industries commit over $500,000 every year to independent analytical analysis to ensure that sports nutrition products meet specifications. Investigations are also warranted. There should be rigorous vendor certification or re-certification auditing program that helps companies adhere to industry quality standards.

Keyword: Innovation

New products and technologies should be developed to provide the best quality on existing products.

Consumers have a preoccupation of trying out something “new,.” There should always be innovation whether it means new forms of delivery (gels, effervescent tablets, functional beverages) or new applications of or combinations with existing products.

Keyword: Price

For Sports Nutrition consumers, price is still everything. In the U.S. for example, even though people were getting laid off and the economy has been unstable after 9/11 people still wanted to work out and stay healthy. This coupled with higher oil prices has lead people to look for deals and good prices.

Products must be extremely competitively. Sport Nutrition giants for example rely on increased sales volume in exchange of lesser profit margins on each product sold.

Quality, certification and taste matter but in the final analysis, consumer want good deals on great products.

Keyword: Variety

What should retailers do to become their customers' first choice for sports nutrition products? Carry a variety of lines that will offer clients with options in supplements.

Retailers often opt not to sports supplements when they carried only one line or one brand. Sports nutrition customers are varied and are everywhere. There are more women as well as men buying supplements and at different ages and varied income brackets. Retail stores should therefore be able to offer a selection products or else buyers will look elsewhere, like the internet or shop somewhere other than these local vitamin stores or pharmacies.

Keyword: Safe

There are regulatory agencies to protect consumers. Sports nutrition companies should engage in top of the line research and development and prove the efficacy and safety of their nurtraceutical products. Products that are based on false or misleading marketing should be and are banned and condemned.

It is thus the responsibility of manufacturers and marketers to provide sports nutrition products that are safe, effective, easily used, and completely understood by both retailers and consumers.

Today, natural product retailers can provide consumers safe alternatives to potentially harmful chemical stimulants (fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine), fat-chelating agents, cosmetic surgery, and a life of inactivity or painful exercise Natural, science-based exercise nutrition products that promote energy, fitness, and weight loss are now available.

Keyword: Information

Consumers are becoming more and more intelligent. They rely on scientific and hard facts rather than recommendations and endorsements from celebrities and sports personalities. Aside from vigorous research, sports nutrition companies should invest in a sound information dissemination and product communication strategy to stay ahead of the game.

Product information should be detailed but fairly understandable. Also, information should be readily available on product packets, posters, print and TV advertisements and the internet. Consumers can believe only what manufacturers communicate well.

Everything focuses around education for the consumer — an educated consumer is the industry's best friend.

These principles helped sports nutrition companies boost the industry as a whole. If remembered and adhered to, these keywords will spur more gains in the industry as large portions of the world’s population now put priority to fitness and health.